Thursday, March 24, 2011

This and that

Hi everyone,
Welcome to my weird and wonderful (to be) blog. Hope to have a wide range of interesting things here very shortly so feel free to browse the menu on the right.

I have just finished writing my first book called 'Things', which is an edgy murder mystery (not for the faint of heart) and will post a few teaser chapters.

Also featured is a comic called 'Mystery Gemini', drawn by Dazzy, and some very insightful poems by Lord Gaga.

I hope you enjoy.
See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nick, I read a few of your posts and found them very interesting, especially the ones about the Yemen women and about bringing up children. Shout it from the roof tops! It needs to be heard and the routine fucking up of children needs to stop. If we want to know why our society is in such a mess all we have to do is look at how we treat our children.
