Monday, March 28, 2011

Sex and Violence and the New Revolution

Trying to determine the cause of society's malfunction.
The search begins here for me. (click on the link below to read)

'To Have or to Be' by Erich Fromm

The new revolutionary direction...from having to being.

Primitive Sex (Excerpt)

Capitalism and the Ego (Excerpt)

Industry and the Economic System (Excerpt)

Education and Knowledge (Excerpt)

Suppression and Breaking the will of the Child (Excerpt)

Taboo - The consequences of Sexual Suppression (Excerpt)

The difference between Having and Being (Excerpt) 

Of more interest.......

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bad News

Terror in Libya

Oh how nice it would be to see the rise of the Muslim Sisterhood instead of all these brutal men. 

Japanese Sunami (Click me)

Indonesia condemns Saudi maid abuse acquittal

Reports of Ms Sumiati's injuries sparked international outrage

An Indonesian diplomat in Saudi Arabia has criticised the overturning of a Saudi woman's conviction for beating and torturing her Indonesian maid.

Didi Wahyudi told the BBC the original three-year prison sentence had been seen as a landmark verdict, but now, he said, there was no example of a torturer being brought to justice.

Saudi Arabia has made no comment.

Tens of thousands of Indonesian women work in Saudi homes, and many complain of abuse by their employers.

In the past few days, two people have been arrested in Mecca in connection with the violent death of their Indonesian maid.

A number of cases of abuse of migrant domestic workers have come to light in Saudi Arabia over recent years.

However, perpetrators have rarely faced punishment greater than a fine.
'No justice'

Sumiati Binti Salan Mustapa, 23, was admitted to hospital in November with broken bones and burns to her face and body.

Her case received worldwide attention, and prompted the Indonesian president to demand justice for her "torture".

The maid's 53-year-old female employer was sentenced to three years in jail in January by a court in the Saudi city of Medina.

She appealed against the sentence and was acquitted on Saturday after a judge deemed there was insufficient evidence.

Didi Wahyudi, from the Indonesian consulate in Saudi Arabia, told the BBC the verdict could have been a landmark.

"Had the first verdict not been overturned by the appeals court it would have been historic; the first time an Indonesian domestic worker was able to take their employer to court and then to prison.

"Since the sentence was not recognised and overturned, it means all the torturers are free. There is no evidence, there is no case and there is no example that the torturer could be brought to justice," Mr Wahyudi told BBC Indonesian.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things that come to mind

I used to kick a ball into a sky like this.

Homo Sapiens.
Awesome and awefull, an aberration of nature. A million to one mistake in the chain of evolution. Only God could lay odds like that and win. And here we are. Thank you God. The gamblers call it the wild card. The believers call it a certainty. But the thing that gets me most, is the thrill of it all. The real horror and the visceral ecstacy. The intellectual beauty and the supreme sociological satisfaction of it all.
The impetuous innocence and the jaded caution. The lovely girl and the tight lipped bitch. The cool dude and the moron like me who also gets a chance to see the glory of our eyes and limbs and things beyond our wildest dreams and the walking and talking that took a couple of million years to perfect...and perfect it is.
I can feel everything. I can understand. I can express anything my soul sees or my heart hears. Where am I? In Wonderland?


Dear god man, that's amazing.
And I have a girlfriend. Her name is Hannah. I love her so much it makes me want to cry for all the time I have wasted in self defence and keeping my distance and being nervous and cross and insecure and insensitive and having to go to work and wasting even more time because I'm not courageous enough to LIVE. (Please god, just one more miracle. Help me win the lottery.)
I was born a white South African semi-christian heterosexual male monkey.
Adam was a black man. He was my servant.
We both had our problems.


Is it art?
The modern abstract artist seeks to express an objective truth (which he calls a "universal" beauty) by taking the meaning out of a work of art.
Once you have removed yourself and your emotions from the picture plane, you're left with pretty much bugger-all. Art was important because it had something to say. I suppose "it's all been said" is the message now. It's time for each man to find his own becoming. (Or in other words, it's every man for himself.)
Nothing exists outside of ourselves except raw power from which we feed. There is no truth "out there" that we can measure or depict through art or science. It is death. Outside of the body is the death of the body, and if we want to see it we have to go there without the body. (Faeries and photons are not accessible through objective observation.) It only moves with the mover, who becomes the movement, not the matter, never mind. A paintbrush or pen is the material crutch of a crippled psyche. It describes instead of doing. For example. Me writing this.
I know what to do. I'm just too bloody lazy until something kicks me up the arse and then I paddle like hell for a while. But the tempation to go to sleep in some distracting activity or other is overwhelming. Very few have made it. Only two as far as I know and those aren't good odds for a gambler. But only takes one. Could it be me? or you? whose eyes are glued to the words behind the veiled brain who watches the mind making up excuses and casting doubts, aside, and then wanting to buy things. You don't care what it is, you just need something to buy, to touch and spend money and watch it transform and what's next....and then see the deep mesmer of a human being on autopilot, asleep to God.
To be satisfied with the now. How still a cat can sit. Without fretting. Just enjoying the view without wanting to paint it. There! We are so concerned with our own problems, and then so concerned with someone else's problems, and the next thing you know you forgot what you came for.
And what's that?
See, you forgot didn't you? You haven't a clue. But don't let that stop you. Death will, or her sister Disease, or her mother Old Age.
"See if I care" is the cry of today. "I'll just ask the SAT NAV lady where I stay, in relation to the now, and where I want to go, and the time and money continuum is all in the mind, binding the body bent and spent from it's unnatural desires curbed and cured and blow dryed into a 12 step programme for anything you care to name me Mr Clean and Mrs Healthy - HOW DO THEY DO IT? FOR SO LONG? (A question near to every boys heart)
Oh well. Three cheers. Hic Hic huraaa.
And how does this relate to art?
I don't know. I got carried away. I'm sure there's a link here somewhere....No. There isn't. Doesn't matter. I'll just fake it.

It's all in the mind.
Is any body there?
Keeping in mind that one can only foretell the future inasmuch as it will come to pass because you predicted it, and that you can only know what is or has been (the future is a mere potential of many possibilities), then the apocalypse predicted in the New Testament must have been well under way by the time it was prophesied.
In fact, from the Arabian and Asian hordes of 5000 B.C. onwards there has been little else besides rape and carnage, and it's compensations of art, religion and the need for civilization.
The cult of death lies deep in the roots of the man-made mind that separated us from nature. Monkey out on a limb, that's for sure. Frightening himself with his own thoughts, thinking HE is God and the other fella's the devil. Which means his mind must be perfectly made up at all times. Not an eye lash out of place or a dirty sheet showing signs of...ugh...the beast below and it's disgusting habits. Wouldn't life be perfect with out the body? Well, the next best thing is to hide it in a labyrinth of beauty and ambiguity. Dress it up in tales, towels and timetables, anything to distract the discerning eye.
The mind began it's long journey to world domination with a simple step.
All primates have a sophisticated "event recall" mechanism which can trigger a memory when confronted with a similar situation in the now. The memory replays in the monkey's mind and merges with reality so that the body gets the message on what to do next.
Then, some young show-off Australopithecine discovered the trick of re-enacting an event (i.e. a hunt) as a way of telling the others in the tribe how they conquered the bull. Not only that, but by mimicking the bulls charge, the others could practice and perfect their killing technique. Through this voluntary memory manipulation and role-play ability we began our journey out of Eden into the knowledge of just how naked we are.
The apprehending powers of the body began to diminish as the mind took over and our vision of paradise receded into the Icons and Idols of mystic materialism.
The invention of symbols also helped us to control our emotional responses to things and be more logical and detached in our thinking.
The invention of time and matter... (it's six o' clock and here come the buffalo and where's my bloody spear) to cover up the abyss beneath the body that walks in darkness dazzled by the light, feeling it's way through the unseen and the all in the mind.
The mind keeps us safe (so it say's) by jumping to the worst possible conclusions and then trying to avoid them and running slap bang into a self fulfilling prophecy.
That's all because the mind can't think for itself. The mind is an inorganic calculating machine and only thinks what you (or your subconscious) tells it to think. You think your mind is the thinker instead of just a mirror. (For the mind to operate it has to be separated into two, to see what it is thinking.) That's why positive thinking works. You are telling your mind what to think. That puts you back in the drivers seat. This is called taking "responsibility" for your life. The thing we usually shift onto others and then assassinate them for not getting it right.
Can there be any clearer sign
of the end of the line
and don't you think it's time
to rise and shine?


The Dream World
“The vestibular system is one of the primary systems we use to orient ourselves in the space around us. The idea of moving in mental space has some correlates to the ability to move in physical space. Remember when you're in a dream, you're in what feels like a real world with spatial parameters. Although the laws of physics aren't quite the same, you still have to manoeuvre.” (From a Lucid Dreaming website)
REM. When you're awake the spatial orientating system in the ear sends messages to the eye when the body (or the head) moves, so that the eye stays still (relative to the landscape) and our vision doesn't blur (when we nod for instance). If the head turns slightly left, a message goes to the eyes to turn slightly and equally to the right. Now, when we're sleeping we only “dream” that our head is turning, but the body's spatial apparatus is still working and telling the eyes to move even though the body is not. This, I believe is the cause of some of the rapid eye movement.
The eyes for some reason are also not paralyzed in sleep like the body muscles.The eyes, when looking slightly upward (when closed) can induce certain brain wavelengths too I understand. I think there is more to the eye than meets it.
The eye sees the light.


The Timeless Atom
Matter is made of atoms, but an atom is not made of matter.
We can only measure that part of the quanta that exhibits a material property (i.e. the position of it's particle). But when we stop measuring it reverts to a wave of probabilities which is not a property of matter, but more a property of the world of dreams where time stands still (the speed of light capability of a quanta puts it outside the laws of time) and place is multilayered and ever changing from one thing into another. In the dream world objects and place are not fixed in stone because a strong time factor is needed to stretch place out into a linear material substance.
If the atom serves both the physical and the dream world and is the common denominator and building block of both, then dreaming must take place in some sort of electro-magnetic ether and not just be an hallucination in the brain. We must actually be somewhere when we walk in eternity in our dreams.
The atom exists in neither of these two worlds, being neither matter nor spirit, though it can be called on to provide the setting for both.
Some Quantum links.


Confession or complaint. Opinion or negative crap (If you're not house-trained you just do it in anyone's ear.) A complaint or moaning or criticism or negativism is usually a fright that has been processed by self defence into anger and then projected at the outside world (if you're an aggressive type) or at the self. Self defence (attack) means to put the blame elsewhere and obscure the facts by banging on about ones favourite hubby horse or nag. 

Lisa Ling - by Nick Styger

Poems - by Lord Gaga

Poems by Lord Gaga

The first one is about the punishment and torture of slaves in the workhouse in the Caribbean .

In The Workhouse

In the workhouse, after hours
of toil and pain as your master hovers,
splinters of wood pushed deep into your back,
a plunge from the cliff can only relieve you of that.
In the workhouse with toil and pain,
the blood screaming as it bursts through my vein,
the man I was is now locked away,
complete with a lock, for the key I must pay.
In the workhouse,
every time the rope touches my back,
I still scream in vain,
If you try to stand up for yourself,
a move you will come to regret,
your master would come up to you and say
"this one's in the workhouse today"

On Planet earth

On Planet earth
On the beach,
up and down,
searching for meaning,
never found.
At the mall,
with material goods,
walking aimlessly around,
searching for more,
but never enough.
With my "friends",
making jokes,
lies about me right behind my back,
silent whispers,
to reveal a solitary tear.
In my room,
rope tied to the roof,
a little jump,
and a silent snap.
In the air,
floating up high,
I look down on earth,
to see my parents say goodbye.

This ones about a prostitute. i'm glad i wrote about this because they are SERIOUSLY misunderstood.
It's not like they do it for fun!

Understand Me

Parents look on at me with scorn,
earings on and cigar in hand,
head to toe in fine silk,
their children playing behind,
blissfully ignorant of me.
The sun goes down and the nightlife wakes,
Young rich teens going to parties,
A car pulls up at my feet,
A man in black with a hotel key,
my silent prayer for god to forgive me.
It Kills me inside out when i do my job,
I think sometimes to end it with a quick long fall,
But my children keep me going,
their father stripped me of everything i owned,
and left me jobless to fend for my own.
So when you see me on the street,
i'm a normal person who just lost the game of life,
feel my pain, help me gain,
Understand me.

The Doves

As a child i would look out side,
the sun breaks though nights hold,
to uncover the world's mysteries,
some good, some bad.
Two little doves playing on a branch,
Gracefully flying from one tree to the next,
spreading their wings as far as they could go,
to take flight and be free.
I have tried as a child to be as gracefull as a dove,
tried i have but never enough,
the burdens we humans have with all the wants and needs,
never like a dove we will be it seems.
Now i'm all grown up and have a job,
more and more burdens to add to the list,
but even now i still believe i am free,
not because i'm a dove,
because I write poetry.

Sweet Candles

Blow cool breath and the fire goes out,
Hot wax masks the top of the sweet delight,
eating it up as fast as you can,
but never enjoying until it's gone.
To make a wish,
to say a prayer,
it all makes no diffence to me,
in the end you don't need to care.
Cards of reasurance at your bedside,
a slip of paper on your table,
words of giving all material good,
gone to a land where there is everything you need.
When you look at the cake on your birthday,
surrounded in a circle of light,
like a strange ritual of blowing them out,
Each candle your life,
when you have finished eating your slice you would wish you had more cake.

Broken treasures

I live in the future but in the past i must dwell,
to seek the treasures of the old kings that fell,
so much value in old broken bliss,
items unlike me that will never have deaths kiss.
Some discarded items,one person thinks,
treasures to behold for a new future come,
marvel at us when we are discovered,
us few fallen kings.
Here i must now rest,
for i am weak and tired now,
take with me my secrets,
and a few broken treasures.

My little box

My world's all corners,
sharp and to the tip,
being punctured over and over again,
pay,i must,for all my sins.
Shapes to me are only square,
up and down,left and right,
hard,cold metal under my skin,
haven't i suffered enough?
A bed,a chair,a toilet,
all they think is enough for my soul,
thy thought is only as good as thy action,
lord save me for i am in a mad world.
One more mile left to dig,
how many more pockets full of dirt?
only to realize i went the wrong way,
to end up back in my little box.

This one's about 3 seductive sisters who would kill the men and steal the gold.

Three sisters of old

These three sisters of old,
how could thee be bold,
to approach one of these three sisters of old.
Jenny the smartest,
she'll break your heart with a kiss,
as she walks away she shines with gold,
one of these three sisters of old.
Brenda the prettiest,
but she'll drop you like you're no one,
such things to be learned,
from these three sisters of old.
Shana the youngest,
who just could not stand it,
had to run away spilling all her gold,
from these three sisters of old.

The world is crazy

1.Round,not flat,but you may go over the edge,
in my mind dark whispers torment me,
mind so blank,yet not empty,
to see the blood dripping down the stairs.
2.Sirens blared as i flew down the street,
blood under my shoes imprints on the ground,
i dug deep into my pocket to reveal,
a shining gold prize weighing heaver than it should have.
3.Dark in the corner the other attacks,
knife to my neck,hand in my pocket,
a swift movement and a silent choke,
the world is crazy as i fall to the ground.

Paper heart

1Fearless hearts to hide behind,
wet on the inside,
hard on the outside,
but at the core of my exsistance.
2.Soil infected my mind,
as i was pushed towards the ground,
and as a sharp object slid into me,
my heart was wet on the outside.
3.Flat down on the ground i cried words,
why should i now hide it,
crazy with the burden of life,
i slowed down and surrendured to the paper.

Spirit catcher

As force pushes me to the ground,
my eyes go up and i see darkness,
our treasures spill all around me,
as a steel cross is pushed to my head.
Memories of past fill me on a burning cross,
as an angel serenades me,
touches my forehead with fingers so cold,
as she forms a cross upon my forehead.
On the side of the road my body left,
screams of pain but of strange pleasure,
hearts pour out onto the floor,
to save my life i must run away from it.

No one loves me

Grief for me,sweet necter for you
to give such pleasue in tormenting me,
in the court of alexandra,the dust devil spins,
torturing me to fall.
The forest light shows me a path,
angels fall and water rises,
just to overflow and treasures spill,
only to be sealed again.

Sister moon

Silent moon over the stars above,
sweet pieces of heaven glued on to you,
sweet sister of the night,
sister moon.
Stars bow down as angels whisper,
night is upon us and we must combine,
oh sister of the night come save us now,
sister moon.
You reflect my thoughts oh sister,
as bodies fall you are radiant,
oh tell me your secrets,
sister moon.
How could you not open your gates to me,
help me now as i fall,
forgive my lies sister,
sister moon.
You had let me fall into the lap,
of the fire around me oh sister,
why couldn't you forgive me sister,
sister moon.

Angel eyes

Angels look at the snow fall to the ground,
fall around the baby in a perfect circle,
oh how baby jesus looked at mary,
with everlasting eyes,
the last sacrifice's,

Mystery Gemini - by Dazzy